API Documentation ================= Router ------ .. module:: emit.router .. autoclass:: Router .. automethod:: Router.__init__ .. automethod:: Router.__call__ .. automethod:: Router.node **Examples** *Multiple fields*:: @router.node(['quotient', 'remainder']) def division_with_remainder(msg): return msg.numer / msg.denom, msg.numer % msg.denom This function would end up returing a dictionary that looked something like:: {'quotient': 2, 'remainder': 1} The next node in the graph would recieve a :py:class:`emit.message.Message` with "quotient" and "remainder" fields. *Emitting multiple values*:: @router.node(['word']) def parse_document(msg): for word in msg.document.clean().split(' '): yield word If the function returns a generator, Emit will gather the values together and make sure the generator exits cleanly before returning (but this may change in the future via a flag.) Therefore, the return value will look like this:: ({'word': "I've"}, {'word': 'got'}, {'word': 'a'}, {'word': 'lovely'}, {'word': 'bunch'}, {'word': 'of'}, {'word': 'coconuts'}) Each message in the tuple will be passed on individually in the graph. .. automethod:: Router.add_entry_point .. automethod:: Router.disable_routing .. automethod:: Router.dispatch .. automethod:: Router.enable_routing .. automethod:: Router.get_message_from_call .. automethod:: Router.get_name .. automethod:: Router.regenerate_routes .. automethod:: Router.register .. automethod:: Router.register_ignore .. automethod:: Router.register_route .. automethod:: Router.resolve_node_modules .. automethod:: Router.route .. automethod:: Router.wrap_as_node .. automethod:: Router.wrap_result .. autoclass:: CeleryRouter :members: :special-members: .. autoclass:: RQRouter :members: :special-members: Message ------- .. module:: emit.message .. autoclass:: Message :members: .. autoclass:: NoResult :members: Multilang --------- .. module:: emit.multilang .. autoclass:: ShellNode :members: .. automethod:: ShellNode.__call__